Shipping Calendar Details

NameSunMonTueWedThuFriSatCutoff (1 day)Cutoff (2 day)Same Day
FedEx / UPSDDDDD10:0015:00

The table above shows what days delivery (D) and/or pickup (P) is available.
Cutoff times are the time before which an order must be placed, to be shipped for delivery on the date requested, depending on the shipping method used:

If the delivery date requested is the "next business day", that time is Cutoff (1 day)
If the delivery date requested is the day after the "next business day", that time is Cutoff (2 day)
If the delivery date requested is today and "same day" is allowed, that time is Cutoff (1 day)

For 3rd party carriers like FedEx or UPS "overnight" is the same as "next business day"
Your default shipping method is highlighted in green, if you have logged in recently.